Tuition 24'-25'
We do offer financial assistance and affordable payment plans with our Religious Education Classes so please do not let cost turn you away.
24'-25' Tuition Fees
1 Student = $85
2 Students = $135
3+ Students = $175
Other Applicable Fees
- Late Registration Fee (After September 1st, 2023) = $25
- If your family is NOT a registered, active member of St. Joseph the Worker Parish but you would like to participate in our Religious Education program there is an additional $40.00 non-registered/outside of parish fee. In some cases a letter may be requested verifying any previous Religious Education classes.
- Retreat Fees for Sacrament Preparation:
- 1st Confession Retreat: Saturday, Feb. 15th, 2025- $15
- Confirmation Retreat (year 1 & 2): Friday, March 14th to Sunday, March 16th- $150 for 1 student, $225 for 2 students
- 1st Communion Retreat: Saturday, March 22nd- $15
Tuition Payments may be made two ways: online with a card/bank account or in person with exact cash or check. Please make checks out to St. Joseph the Worker with RE Tuition Fees in the memo line.
Online payments can be made through our online giving system starting July 1st, 2024. Instructions for online payments will be made available after July 1st, 2024.
Financial Assistance
To inquire about financial assistance kindly fill out this
online form.
We are pleased to offer flexible payment plans and limited partial scholarships.