Phone: (909) 796-2605
Fax: (909) 796-0755
Reminder: The Mother's Chapel is reserved for parents with little ones. Please be respectful, and give them a place to nurse, and tend to little ones while they worship. Please join us in the main church.
Join Religious Education for a delicious spaghetti dinner and fun night of dancing!
Saturday, February 8, 2025 6:30-8:00 pm
Adults $8, Children $5
Dinner includes: Spaghetti, with meatballs or without, dinner roll, salad, dessert, and a drink!
Tickets on sale after weekend Masses, or call Religious Education Office for more information 909-796-4308
Join us for Mass at 8 am, instead of our regular 7 am, for the President's Day holiday.
In conjunction with the Diocesan Pastoral Center, the Parish and Religious Education Offices will be closed in honor of the holiday. Calls and emails will be answered the next day!
Join us Sunday mornings at the 9:45am mass for Children's Liturgy of the Word. Children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word to hear age appropriate readings, lessons, music and art. Children return back to the main mass during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. No pre-registration is required. All are welcome.
The offertory collection helps to support and maintain church grounds, pay utilities, purchase cleaning supplies, and handle other maintenance needs of the parish. A BIG THANK YOU to all the Parishioners who have continued their generous support of the parish during these difficult times. May God continue to bless you!